14551 W. Indian School Road, Suite 240 Goodyear, AZ 85395

(623) 535-7050

14551 W. Indian School Road, Suite 240 Goodyear, AZ 85395

(623) 535-7050

Laser Genesis

Reduce pore size, diminish scars, and diffuse redness caused by broken capillaries with Laser Genesis at AZ Dermacare Plastic Surgery

Now you can have the vibrant, even skin tone you’ve always wanted with Arizona Dermacare Plastic Surgery’s Laser Genesis Treatments! Laser Genesis is proven to make pores appear smaller and smooth out fine lines without any downtime. No matter what your skin type, Laser Genesis is just what you need to give your skin some rejuvenation. When used for skin rejuvenation, the laser penetrates deeply into the skin where collagen is manufactured, stimulating an increase of new collagen production.

Laser Genesis is an innovative, technologically advanced way to promote vivacious and healthy looking skin in both Phoenix men and women. Laser Genesis is a safe and non-invasive way to regain your youthful appearance by treating those conditions that are typically associated with premature signs of aging and sun damage, such as excessive redness, large pores, uneven texture, and fine line wrinkles.

  • What is Laser Genesis?

    Laser Genesis is a cutting-edge, non-ablative skin treatment that is done with a laser. The treatment can help you look younger and more refreshed — with no downtime. It works by gently heating the skin, stimulating collagen growth, and shrinking swollen capillaries that cause discoloration.

    You will visibly notice subtle improvements immediately after your Laser Genesis treatment. We typically recommend four to six treatments to achieve optimal results from the procedure. Most Phoenix patients report few or no side effects with Laser Genesis; the most common side effect is a slight redness that fades within a few hours.

  • What skin conditions can Laser Genesis treat?

    Laser Genesis is a laser skin resurfacing treatment that can improve minor facial flaws, such as:● Fine lines or wrinkles around or under your eyes, forehead or mouth● Scars from acne or chickenpox● Non-responsive skin after a facelift● Aged or sun-damaged skin● Liver spots● Improve your complexion if you have yellowish or grayish skin tones● Warts● Birthmarks such as linear epidermal nevi● Enlarged oil glands on the nose● Redness

  • How does Laser Genesis work?

    Laser Genesis works by gently heating the upper dermis that is well below your skin’s surface. During the treatment, the laser heats the miniature-swollen vessels that create Diffuse Redness, which are then absorbed by the body over the period of a few weeks. The procedure also stimulates collagen renewal, resulting in tighter pores, smoother skin and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. This method of promoting collagen renewal also smoothes, flattens and removes the red discoloration of scars.

  • What is Diffuse Redness?

    Diffuse redness is the general appearance of facial redness, such as rosy or blotchy cheeks. Phoenix individuals with Diffuse Redness also tend to flush or blush easily. This condition is caused by dilated capillaries, which result in the appearance of general redness and may be accompanied by broken capillaries or facial veins. The most commonly affected areas are the nose, forehead and cheeks. Diffuse redness is often associated with a condition called Rosacea and it can be hereditary. Laser Genesis therapy will help your appearance by gently treating and drastically reducing the appearance of this condition.

  • What areas can be treated with Laser Genesis?

    Dermacare’s clients who have chosen Laser Genesis report excellent results when the treatments were performed over their entire faces, necks, and upper shoulders/back region. Additionally, Laser Genesis is very proficient at reducing the appearance of scars on all parts of the body, including acne and surgical scarring.

  • What does a Laser Genesis treatment feel like?

    Our Laser Genesis clients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic. As the laser is moved back and forth about half an inch above your skin, similar to airbrushing, you will experience a gentle warming of the skin’s surface. There is no downtime, so you can expect to immediately return to normal activities, utilizing sunscreen if participating in outdoor activities.

  • How many Laser Genesis treatments will I need?

    On average, our Phoenix patients require four to six treatments in order to achieve the best results. To find out more about Laser Genesis treatments, schedule a consultation with the aesthetic professionals at AZ Dermacare Plastic Surgery. You can also visit us at our location in Goodyear, AZ today!

  • How long will my Laser Genesis results last?

    Longevity of results are varied from person to person. Most Laser Genesis clients have sustained results that last between 6 to 12 months. At the end of your Laser Genesis treatments you will be prescribed a personalized skin care regimen and maintenance program from our aesthetic professionals, so that you can enjoy your results for as long as possible. The duration of results is greatly influenced by your lifestyle, sun exposure, diet, and the use of proper skin care products.
    You can greatly extend your Laser Genesis results by observing the following:
    ● Always protect your skin with an SPF 50 broad spectrum sunblock (year around)● Daily and year around use of the skin care regimen we recommend for you● Not smoking or drinking excessive alcohol● Eating a healthy balanced diet● Regular exercise● Doing a single booster or maintenance treatment every 6 to 12 months

  • Are there any risks or side effects of Laser Genesis?

    ● Acne flares. Your doctor will recommend a treatment regimen.● Bacterial infection. Your doctor may recommend taking an antibiotic prior to the surgery and afterwards.● Cold sore reactivation. This may occur if you have laser resurfacing around your mouth. Be sure to tell you doctor about your history of cold sores (herpes).● You can prevent the reactivation by taking an antiviral medication before and after the procedure.● Hyperpigmentation. It’s possible the treated area can become darker in tone. Your physician may recommend a bleaching solution. More rarely you may have hypopigmentation, a lightening of the skin tone.● Milia. These small white bumps may appear during healing. They can be removed by gentle cleansing with a washcloth.● Prolonged redness. For some people, the redness just takes longer to disappear.● Scarring. This is rare, but possible.● Swelling. If you are having laser skin resurfacing around your eyes, your doctor may prescribe oral steroids to manage this swelling.

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Specializing in Cosmetic Surgery for the Surrounding Phoenix, AZ Area

Schedule a laser genesis consultation with the aesthetic team at AZ Dermacare Plastic Surgery by contacting their office in the Phoenix area at (623) 535-7050.